What is polyphenol and why is it so important?
About Polyphenol
- An excellent and high quality olive oil is one that leaves a green and greenish odor in the nose, a black peppery bitterness on the back and both sides of the tongue, and a strong or less strong burn in the throat (depending on the polyphenol level). Olive oil has organoleptic, physical and chemical properties. These qualities must be preserved during its production. The production of high quality olive oil is only possible if the olive cultivation, harvesting, transfer, pressing method, pressing characteristics and hygiene conditions are fully complied with. High quality production is possible with the flawless management of quality processes.
- Fruitiness, bitterness and burn are the 3 inseparable elements of the world quality standard in olive oil. The absence of even one of them tells us that olive oil does not meet the quality standard. As for polyphenols, it is a very valuable component found in olives and many plants. Polyphenols accumulate in olives earlier than oil and gradually decrease as the fruit ripens.
- These polyphenols, which plants produce as a defense mechanism against environmental damage, are powerful antioxidants; they can neutralize free radicals, a particularly bad molecule that can run wild in your body and damage good cells. They neutralize these radicals inside your body.They help protect against oxidative stress and strengthen your immune system.
- This is exactly why we strive for high polyphenols in olive oil, to ensure that olive oil can be truly beneficial for health. An olive oil that is not high in polyphenols has limited health benefits. Any olive oil you consume may not meet your healthy life expectancy as you think, so consumers need to choose the best olive oil in terms of healthy nutrition. Olive oils with more than 250 ppm polyphenols are high polyphenol olive oils.
- You can recognize the high polyphenol content by the burning sensation of the olive oil in your throat. If you have not had such a tasting experience before and the burn bothers and frightens you, unfortunately, you will be deprived of this healing.The harvest time and variety of olives used in olive oil production, the air temperatures during olive growth, rains, etc. play a very important role in determining the polyphenol content.
- You can get more detailed information by searching "Health Effects of Polyphenols" or "Potential Health Benefits of Olive Oil and Plant Polyphenols".In addition, olive oils with polyphenol counts exceeding 500 milligrams will soon be eligible for a distinctive label in the European Union advertising their health benefits. (COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 432/2012)
- We think that such an application is essential in our country in order to distinguish high polyphenol quality olive oils from others and to raise consumer awareness.